About Our College Essay Writing Workshop
When applying to selective colleges, how can you stand out among many qualified applicants? One way is with a compelling essay. Get a competitive advantage, jumping in for five mornings of intensive, helpful and enjoyable essay writing help. We keep the groups small (ten to eleven students) so you get plenty of support and time with our fantastic teachers, Alex Gould and Andrea Brunken. They know about writing and they understand what makes an effective college essay. You can come out with a strong, interesting first draft of your main college essay before school begins. This will not be a formulaic, one-size-fits-all approach. We will help you craft a topic that shows your own unique background and voice. For the class of 2025 only, please. (9:00am-12:00pm for the first two sessions, and 12:30-3:30 pm for the third). The three sessions of this course are identical.